Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Quite Honestly

I didn't have much time to read this time cos i spent most of my holidays with my cousins. So i picked up a rather small book, which i took a whole month to read (shockingly). And yet, it was a really good read. I didn't drop off reading..

The book is about this praeceptor Lucy who tries to reform a convict Terry and ends up living his life, turns to crime, goes to jail...all to experience how it is to be him. Why? Cos she falls in love with him. Thats why praeceptors from SCRAP (the organisation she works for) aren't supposed to fall in love with criminals

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Superhero Movie

I loved "Drake & Josh" so much when i was younger, i always though Drake Bell had talent. His music is also quite good, i just have a few songs, but seeing him in this movie was a bit of a surprise. From the makers of Scary Movies, Date Movie, Epic Movie comes SUPERHERO MOVIE - the parody of Spiderman, Batman, X Men, and Fantastic Four.

Drake Bell A.K.A. the Dragon Fly is bitten by a genetically engineered dragonfly (much like Peter Parker is bitten by the spider) and he becomes Dragon Fly. Most of the movie is a spoofing of Spiderman. There are references of Fantastic Four here and there, Pam Anderson for ex is the Invisible Girl (sadly though, she's in the Xavier Institure) and the Human Torch who dies..lol.. Professor X has a wife and kids!?!? Where the hell did that come from? The part of the batman spoofing, where Drake as a little boy kills his parents trying to save them is hilarious. All in all, its worth the watch.

Friday, July 18, 2008

I Am Legend

Yes i finally watched the movie. It is based on a 1954 science fiction novel by Richard Matheson. Its about the last man alive in Los Angeles. I must say, Will Smith impressed us all once again in this movie. He's a great actor, but he can definitely work on showing pain better...

The Story: Robert Neville (Will Smith) is the sole survivor of an airborne virus that killed everyone. The movie starts off with a cure for cancer, unfortunately that cure resulted in the death of millions. Neville prepares for the nightly sieges from a vampire horde. He spends the daytime hours repairing his house: boarding windows, hanging garlic garlands, disposing of vampire corpses, and gathering supplies. The story is Neville's attempt to comprehend, and possibly cure, the disease that killed mankind, showing his research of vampirism, and its possible causes. Via flashback, Neville's past is revealed. Moreover, his emotional struggle to cope with losing his family is dealt with by going about a daily routine. Neville sees the destruction of the infected survivors as a right, a moral imperative, even, to be pursued for his own — and mankind's — survival, yet, in the end, he glimpses a future society wherein infection is normal and he, Neville, is a murderous, biologic deviant. He then grasps that, just as vampires were legend in pre-infection times, now he, Robert Neville, is legend for the new human race born of the infection.

Movies i watched recently


Get smart is incomparably dumb, nonetheless, one of the funniest movies i've ever watched. I never laughed this much since "Pink Panther Diamond Case" which was a helluva comedy movie.. Its pretty much a 'hero spoof' as my cousin (Vic) describes it. They're both "secret agents" who are trying to save the world (so cliched).

The Story:
Maxwell Smart (Steve Carell) works as an analyst at Control, a U.S. spy agency that was supposed to have closed after KAOS was defeated. However, KAOS is far from being dead. KAOS penetrates Control and steals the names of all their field agents, and they then begin to kill Control agents around the world. The Chief (Alan Arkin) promotes Maxwell Smart, designates him Agent 86, and partners him with Agent 99 (Anne Hathaway). Smart has always wanted to be a field agent, but he wanted to be partnered with the best, Agent 23 (Dwayne Johnson). Smart is given a little training and some spy-tech gadgets to help him do his job. Smart and Agent 99 have uncovered information of where Siegfried (Terence Stamp), the sinister head of KAOS is located, and they go after him to stop him from taking over the world. Douglas Young (the-movie-guy)

Hancock is a (drunk) superhero movie, the FIRST superhero who is always (and i mean ALWAYS) drunk. The storyline is pretty much like "Transformers". Aliens on earth who save the earth from (any) evil and then remain on earth among people. But Transformers had much better action and the story concept, even though very cliched, was fine. I probably liked Hancock only because Will Smith is one of my fav actors. He's a great rapper too. But anyway, most of the movie was predictable. Still, it was okay.

The Story: John Hancock (Will Smith) is an unhappy and reluctant superhero who is living in his own world. For some unknown reason, Hancock is depressed and has started drinking very heavily. He has saved many lives in Los Angles over the years, but in doing so, he has no regards for damaging buildings, trains, roads, cars, or anything that gets in his way to get the job done. The last time he captured several criminals, it cost the city $9 million to fix the damages. The public has had enough of Hancock, and they want him to stop or go to another city. Then one day, Hancock saves the life of Ray Embrey (Jason Bateman) from being run over by a train. Ray is a Public Relations executive who now can go home to his wife and child, because Hancock was there. Ray owes Hancock his life, and he makes it his mission to change his superhero's image and have the public cheering him. Ray's wife, Mary (Charlize Theron), believes Hancock can not be fixed, and she doesnt want Ray to be hurt.

Its a really good movie. One of the few hindi movies i liked.... The concept is just okay, i guess i liked the movie a lot only because all the actors are so cute. They're all fresh faces, except the lead female, who i've seen in a few other movies. Its about the two (blue tee and green tee in the pic) falling in love, or i should say realising that they are in love. The best thing about bollywood movies is that you get stupid jokes which you laugh about even after the movie is over.. Sohail Khan and Arbaz Khan have a guest appearance in the movie. The lead male is a Rajput's descendant. So his dead father's dream is for him to become a true Rajput or w/e and for that he should beat up a person, go to jail and ride a horse. When he does all these, his dead father is dancing in the picture hung on the wall....which is sooo bloody funny. Worth the watch, really.... i'd just give it like 7 stars. Don't go by what newspapers say. Its quite good....

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

One Missed Call

I'm adding One Missed Call to my list of favourite horror movies. Just watched it last night. And i must say, the movie is amazing!!!! The ringtone is especially haunting during the movie. I got the ringtone after that, but it kinda got annoying... Notice the poster, thats what i call creativity. Thats two mouths screaming, and the face's eyes at the same time....

The Story: Elizabeth Raymond (Shannyn Sossamon) is terrified by the deaths of four friends, three of which she personally witnessed, after they received chilling phone calls apparently from themselves in the future, showing the exact time of their deaths. After every death, a small red candy is found in the victim's mouth. Beth reports these strange occurrences to the police; however, they think she is delirious. Detective Jack Andrews (Edward Burns), however, believes her, stating that his sister died in a similar way. Together, they begin to unravel the mystery of the chain of calls, but are unsure if they can figure it out before Beth's phone starts to ring the same eerie tune.

They eventually trace the series of calls back to a woman named Marie Layton, who was apparently abusing her children, Ellie and Laurel, for attention, as in cases of Munchausen by Proxy. They learn that Ellie later died of an asthma attack, and that Laurel is in foster care after her mother went missing.

Believing that Marie is the force behind the murders, Beth travels to the recently burned-down St. Luke's hospital, where Marie was last seen, bringing Laurel in for a cut on her arm. After searching the hospital, Beth finds the body of Marie in the hospital ducting, where she apparently burned to death, clutching a cell phone. Marie's corpse moves and assaults Beth while weeping, and collapses when Detective Andrews makes his way into the ducting to help Beth. During this episode, the time of Beth's own phone call passes without her dying.

After contacting authorities, who arrive to collect the body, Beth returns home and Andrews goes to tell Laurel that her mother is dead. While visiting, Andrews finds a video disc in the back of Laurel's teddy bear. The disc is a video of a camera Marie hid in her children's room to monitor Laurel and Ellie. Ellie, clothed in a black hoodie, cuts Laurel's arm with a large butcher knife. Marie comes in and finds the children, realizing that the abuse she has been blamed for has been Ellie all along, and leaves to take Laurel to the hospital, locking Ellie in the bedroom.

Ellie, frantic, tries to force open the door, and suffers an asthma attack. Reaching for her inhaler, she finds it empty, and dies while dialing her mother's cell phone, making Marie the first real victim of the curse, dying in the fire. Laurel enters the room and Andrews says that it was Ellie who hurt her all the time, not her mother. Laurel nods, and speaking for the first time since the death of her mother, says, "But she always gave me candy," and holds out one of the red hard candies found in the mouths of all the victims.

Andrews realizes that the force behind the murders is Ellie, and races to Beth to make sure she's alright. Finding Beth unharmed, Andrews and Beth hear the doorbell ring and a knock on the door. Andrews looks through the hole, to then die of a knife in his eye, as dictated by the last call received. Ellie then reaches out to strangle Beth, but luckily the spirit of Marie appears and grabs Ellie, saving Beth again. If you look closely at the effects, Ellie's spirit (or energy) pours itself INTO the cell phone that is lying on the ground. Marie's ghost vanishes, leaving Beth to stare bewildered into the distance. Then the phone begins to dial a number showing that the curse has not ended. Ellie is still out there, and there is another victim that is going to die.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Messengers

Just watched this movie. Its amazing! It falls under horror/thriller/drama. I was almost falling off my seat watching it. The only let down about the movie is that it has a happy ending.

The Story: The movie starts off with a woman trying to save her kids, a daughter and a son, from "something". In the process that "something" grabs her and kills her by throwing her at a wall. Then the daughter tries to save her younger brother. But then the daugher is dragged into the cellar. The little boy who hides in a closet/shelf is also dragged out and killed. Then the scene changes. There's a new family who are moving into this house from Chicago. Again, its a couple, a daughter and a little boy. The daughter had a drinking problem in Chicago which she had concealed from her parents, which led to an accident leaving the little boy temporarily dumb (loses the ability to speak, they don't explain why or how). They move in and the little boy discovers a ghost first which is crawling on the ceiling and he enjoys its presence. Pointing to it and laughing at it. One day, the daughter, Jess (Kristen Stewart) discovers the ghost when she's left at home to look after her brother. She encounters the ghost and manages to escape. Their newly found "family friend", John (John Corbett) helps her out, but he doesn't tell her parents what he saw. The husband, Roy (Dylan McDermott) goes in search of his daughter, who he thinks has made a run for it, leaving his wife, Denise (Penelope Ann Miller) and Ben (Evan & Theodore Turner). Thats when Denise sees a ghost coming out of the stain in the wall. Then they reveal that John is a psycho killer who killed his family. And now John attacks Denise as well. Jess comes home with her friend Bobby (Dustin Milligan) and they are attackd by John. Roy comes home and tries to save the family. Then the ghosts, who are actually John's family help this family to get rid of John. The movie ends with a happy ending, the harvest works well for Roy and Ben learns to talk.

I might have killed the suspense, lol..