Friday, July 18, 2008

I Am Legend

Yes i finally watched the movie. It is based on a 1954 science fiction novel by Richard Matheson. Its about the last man alive in Los Angeles. I must say, Will Smith impressed us all once again in this movie. He's a great actor, but he can definitely work on showing pain better...

The Story: Robert Neville (Will Smith) is the sole survivor of an airborne virus that killed everyone. The movie starts off with a cure for cancer, unfortunately that cure resulted in the death of millions. Neville prepares for the nightly sieges from a vampire horde. He spends the daytime hours repairing his house: boarding windows, hanging garlic garlands, disposing of vampire corpses, and gathering supplies. The story is Neville's attempt to comprehend, and possibly cure, the disease that killed mankind, showing his research of vampirism, and its possible causes. Via flashback, Neville's past is revealed. Moreover, his emotional struggle to cope with losing his family is dealt with by going about a daily routine. Neville sees the destruction of the infected survivors as a right, a moral imperative, even, to be pursued for his own — and mankind's — survival, yet, in the end, he glimpses a future society wherein infection is normal and he, Neville, is a murderous, biologic deviant. He then grasps that, just as vampires were legend in pre-infection times, now he, Robert Neville, is legend for the new human race born of the infection.

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